My blog is far from perfect, but I’ve certainly put in the time. As is customary, whenever I hit a milestone, I choose my favorite five entries from the last 100 posts:
Flowing. Such a happy day, until the champagne stung my eyes and gave me brain freeze. Celebrate in a my pleasure/pain here.
My Role. I considered wandering off set, gun in hand, and shouting “Official police business!” on a crowded street. (DNA Killer. Coming to TV this spring!) Instead, follow protocol with me here.
I Tour The TWA Hotel. Remember when flying used to be fun? Me neither. We were all born too late. Role-play the old days with me here.
Two Days At The Ballpark. I love the Yankees. I also love eating. And being on TV. See my head almost explode here.
Homecoming Weekend Part I: Xfinity And Beyond. Before college, I didn’t have a degree, or any idea what I wanted to do with my life. But NOW I have a degree. Let’s get some mileage out of that diploma here.