Most people in horror movies would still be alive, if only those idiots had listened to the audience.
I had a chance to do just that yesterday, although it was a comedy scene. I participated in a talent blast, and got to perform in from of a room full of people, including six casting directors and two directors.
It was a rare chance for instant gratification, and I really liked it. My scene, about a handmade Valentine’s Day romantic coupon book gone horribly wrong, got great laughs. Very little feels better than that.
Speaking of performing, look at these knuckleheads:
I had a chance to do just that yesterday, although it was a comedy scene. I participated in a talent blast, and got to perform in from of a room full of people, including six casting directors and two directors.
It was a rare chance for instant gratification, and I really liked it. My scene, about a handmade Valentine’s Day romantic coupon book gone horribly wrong, got great laughs. Very little feels better than that.
Speaking of performing, look at these knuckleheads:
DOGS, BRUH!!!💪🔥🤣🐶😭— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) November 19, 2019