Thursday, September 4, 2014

What I Think Every Dude Should Know.

I’m gonna take up smoking and drinking, so that my hands are always full and no one can ask me to help them move.

But I always have time to offer advice. After the utterly clueless job my dad did raising my brothers and I, I very much enjoy helping someone shortcut the traps of adulthood. On his bar mitzvah two years ago, I wrote ten things I thought my friend Jeff’s son Jake should know as he became a man. On Saturday, I wrote ten more for Jeff’s younger son, Sam:
  1. Every man innately wants to fix his woman’s problems, but what she really wants is for you to just listen. Memorize this phrase: “I understand.”
  2. There’s no law that says you have to get married or own a home.
  3. On job interviews, always maintain the attitude that they’d be really lucky to have you.
  4. Be so friendly to people that if someone were to say you were a bad guy, no one would believe him.
  5. No matter what problem you have, deep down you know how to fix it.
  6. Everything worthwhile is going to be unbelievably difficult to achieve. But you’ll enjoy it that much more when you get it.
  7. Make discipline a habit. Make practicing your guitar for hours every day a normal thing. That’s what successful people do.
  8. People just want to feel appreciated. Tip well. Write thank-you notes. Never show up empty-handed.
  9. Never go more than nine miles-per-hour over the speed limit and you will never get pulled over.
  10. If you text a woman twice, and get no reply, game over. Persistence only works in movies; in reality it just says “stalker.”