Monday, February 14, 2011

I Dedicate This To My One True Love: The Ladies.

Last Valentine's Day, I blogged about ten things single women should know about men. This year, I’m targeting all ladies everywhere. My friend Jeff calls it the Tao of Shevin – kind of a Whitman’s Sampler of things I think women should know about men. (And hopefully not a pink, cream filling in the bunch):
  1. If you’re taken, just let us know. I met a woman in NY a while back and emailed her, asking if she had grown up there. Her reply: “No, I'm from Pennsylvania originally, but my boyfriend is from here, born and raised. Hope you're well.” Bing, bang, boom. That’s how it’s done.
  2. And if you already have a boyfriend, make sure when we meet him that he’s a relatively good-looking, cool guy. It’s a million times worse if he’s not.
  3. Three words about your previous relationship: I’m not him.
  4. A woman I was dating once said to me, “I hate that you watch so much sports, but I would never date a guy that didn’t.” And it made total sense.
  5. Flats suck.
  6. We’re all convinced you will eventually become your mother. So instead of introducing her to us, keep that crazy bitch under lock and key.
  7. My friend Brigg was set up on a blind date, and even though the woman was his type (tall, pretty blonde), he was turned off, because it was painfully obvious she was trolling for a husband. Everything Brigg said to her was the most interesting or funniest thing she’d ever heard, and she stared right in his face with her crazy eyes and let him know. In college we called it “majoring in MRS.” Don’t be that woman.
  8. Bummed the woman next to you at work got flowers and you didn’t? Don’t be. Guys who send flowers to the office are just pissing on their territory, warning all male coworkers. A dozen red roses? More like a dozen red flags. Dating Jealous Guy never ends well.
  9. You’re smarter than us, stronger than us and within six months you’ll be just fine without us.
  10. If you're gonna be a crazy nag who drinks white wine, you’d better be a Real Housewife of somewhere.