Wednesday, March 4, 2020

You Thought Good Thoughts.

The main difference between kids and dogs is that kids grow out of following you into the bathroom. 

That said, I’ve blogged about it before, but it bears repeating: I will never presume for a second that raising a dog is anything close to as daunting as raising a child, but the closest I’ve ever felt to real parenthood occurred again as I picked Ricky up from his surgery.

The vet staff invited into the off-limits-to-humans back area, where I encountered a scared, confused and suffering Ricky. I put my arms underneath him and carried all 96 lbs. of him out to my car. The last time we did this, he shit in the back seat. This time, I made sure he poohed outside first. Fool me once.

The good news: the surgery was a success. Thanks to everyone who checked in about him. It takes a village to raise a dog, preferably one with many fire hydrants.