Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Next Big Book.

My niece: reads three Harry Potter books in one day.
Me: sees a text that’s longer than 2 sentences – holy shit, I just do not have the time for this.

 But I’ll make time for my friend Rob Weintraub’s new book. He’s a prolific writer, with a fun, very engaging style I love. And he’s about to have his fourth book published.

While he was in town last week, Rob let me check out his manuscript, which was impressively huge, and he taught me something I didn’t know: some publishers frown on the author making significant changes at the line edit stage. You have to get the book right during editing, because major changes at the proof stage (after it’s been typeset) are very expensive. If you insist on rewriting your proofs, you may have to pay for the changes and they won’t be cheap.

That’s right – you’re charged for changes. I suppose there’s no other way to keep writers in check. Speaking of which, when the book debuts, I insist you check it out. It contains some very fascinating history about California, sports and wealthy folks in the 1920s. It’s super groovy.