Thursday, January 9, 2020

Voice, And Embodiment, Of God.

I think it’s risky to have heroes, but I also think there should be a national monument to the brave souls who are “First!” in Instagram comments.

Risky because they really may disappoint you when you meet them. Then again, not if they’re Johnny Holliday, the voice of University of Maryland sports for over 40 years. Johnny was the man when I was an undergrad, and hasn’t lost a step. He’s the tie that binds millions of us who attended the school, and when I met him for the first time during homecoming weekend in October, he spent a long, postgame commercial break getting to know me before he had to get back on the air. I almost shit.

Cut to last week, and my frat brother Buzzy, approached Johnny before a game and shot this:

Next week, I’m flying to DC/Maryland for a fraternity reunion dinner, then staying the weekend to see a game. Plus kibbitz with my good pal Johnny. See you soon.