Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Get Your Butt To LA: Part 1 In A Series.

Lately I’ve been getting my fair share of questions from aspiring actors who want me to write more about what to expect from, and how to go about, making their way in Hollywood. And good for them – the fact that curiosity killed the cat isn’t an argument for not being curious – it’s an argument for not being a cat.

So every now and then I’ll tell you what I know. While I haven’t yet achieved the kind of success I’m shooting for, I’ve learned a lot from the best.

Today, let’s tackle getting yourself settled:

It’s crucial to find a place to live that you like. I personally think LA is the greatest city on earth, and a major reason why is my proximity to the beach. Meanwhile, my friends in The Valley are living like Harvey Keitel in Taxi Driver, greasy-pimp style.

If you have to live with a roommate, have some sort of screening process. In my improv classes, we’re asked to give impromptu rants about any subject, and nine times out of ten, actors bitch about their psycho roommates. What I’m trying to say is, if there has to be a psycho in your apartment, make sure it’s you, not them. And, if after all your vetting, the person you’re living with still turns out to be a nightmare, remember: it ain’t murder if he’s a really bad dude.

More tomorrow.