Friday, September 17, 2010

Random Shots I’m Deleting: A Blackberry® Purge.

As much as I’m attached to it, I’ll be pulling the goalie on my Blackberry sometime in the six months, and start dropping calls full-time with an iPhone. Until then, I’ll be unearthing photos I’ve never blogged about, and shedding a little incite.

Up first is me, the day I shot a sketch for “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno”:

The above shot was taken in my dressing room, which not only had a full bathroom, but a TV with both satellite channels and NBC live feeds, so I watched the cast of “Days of Our Lives” rehearse and shoot a scene. Chick throwing a glass of wine in another chick’s face… Both times I met Jay Leno, various production snafus delayed what we were working on, and he had every right to blow his stack. But he didn’t, and always remained super nice. A guy like Bill Maher would’ve has his staff waterboarded… Also, Jay spent about nine hours on location getting the sketch right. I’d like to see Letterman spend nine minutes… “Hurry up and wait” is a phrase often used on sets (also in the military), and this was one of those days. I went into the blue makeup at 1:30 p.m., and didn’t take it off until 11 p.m. They alleviated my pain by bumping my pay way up… The woman who did my makeup was by coincidence the original makeup person for the real Blue Man Group, and told me that they used so much of the blue stuff that the makeup company they got it from now sells the color “Blue Man.” I ingested about a pound of it.