Friday, February 6, 2009

Anatomy Of A Meltdown.

By now, unless you’ve been living under a rock – or you’re my mother – you’ve heard about Christian Bale fuh-lipping on the set of Terminator Salvation. A few thoughts:

1) Men get their periods, too. As much, if not more than women. Your best bet to put the kibosh on a conniption: feed us.

2) When in doubt, blame the penis. I suspect Christian may have been trying to show off in front of his cute co-star, Brice Howard. Probably not the best way into her pants. Plus she’s married.

3) This ain’t yelling, and I know yelling.
I've worked enough day-jobs under enough male C-words to pronounce Christian’s hysterics as rather pedestrian. By the way, luckily for my “superiors,” we parted ways long before I became the proud owner of a Glock 23.

Can we please move on to more presing world issues? Like Olympic swimmers who smoke reefer.